But booty this bountiful is not easily won! You can’t just leave a comment on this post and expect to win! No! I’m going to make you go on a buried treasure hunt, one that could save you from years of turmoil and stress by informing you about some forms of identity theft this tax season and how you can prevent them. The rules are, though, simple, if not reader intensive. First, leave a comment on this post (please, comment per reader) then between now and Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 12:00 midnight, EDST, got to The Painted Telephone and read the post, “THIEVES INITIATE NEW IDENTITY THEFT SCAMS IN TIME FOR TAX SEASON”. While reading count the number of times the name “uni-ball” us used in the post. Acceptable forms of the name include; uni-ball, uni-ball®, Uni-ball, uniball and UNI-BALL. Partial or incomplete forms of the name are disallowed. Hold onto the number, do not post it, you will need it later to win if your number is picked to win.
On midnight on April 5th, 2009, I will post a comment officially ending the Give-Away. I will then count the number of comments, each being assigned a number from one (1) to the total number of allowable posts, inclusive, in order of their time and date of posting. Using the True Random Number Generator at the bottom of this blog I will enter in the total number of posts and then allow the generator to generate a truly random number between one (1) and the number of allowable posts inclusive. The winner will be the reader’s post corresponding to the number generated. I will again post a comment this time announcing the winner’s name. The winner will have seven (7) days to contact me by email, theoldgeezer@live.com, with the correct number of times the name “uni-ball®” is used in the post and a valid mailing address where they would like the booty sent. If I do not have an email from the winner no later than Sunday, April 12th, 2009 then that readers comment will be disallowed, the total count will be reduce by one (1) and a new random number will be generated using the new total. The same conditions will apply to the new winner. If I have not received an email from the new winner by midnight Sunday, April 19th, 2009 the Give-Away will be considered null and void.
In any case I will announce the winner in a new post on this blog April 5th, 2009, or April 19th, 2009 or on the 29th that the contest was declared null and void.
So, get to commenting and get to that buried treasure hunt!
Great Blog you have here!!
Already on the hunt. Thanks for the great content!
Only two comments? Well then, I guess I'll join in after all! Would be a shame with so few people in on this.
Let the games begin ;)
Not often you find somebody who loves pencils as much as I do. hi!!
Sweet! You've been most helpful, this is just an awesome bonus.
Alright, the contest is officially closed! I will now use the random number generator at the bottom of my blog, which is sponsored by Random.org. to generate a random number between 1 and 7, inclusive. So here goes... And the potential winner is... #4! The comment corresponding to number four is Erin! Erin you have 7 days to email me, theoldgeezer@live.com, with the correct count in order to be declared the winner and to claim your prize! If you have the correct count I'll ask for a mailing addy in a separate email in order to send you your booty. If you have not done so by midnight on April 12th, or if you have the incorrect count, a new potential winner will be chosen at random. So, Erin, chime in with the correct count!
Well here it is Monday morning on April 13th and Erin had a week to send me an email with the correct count so he loses out! Sorry Erin.
So the comment count will be reduced by one (1) and I'll use the RNG at the bottom of the blog to generate a new random number between 1 and 6 inclusive. Erin's comment will be excluded from the new count and a new potential winner will be chosen! So here goes...And the number is 6. Number 6 corresponds to the post by mhb.
So, mhb, you have one week, until midnight April 19th to send an email to theoldgeezer@live.com containing the correct count in order to claim your prize!
WE HAVE A WINNER! mbh came back with the correct count and so he is declared the winner of Pens And Pencils first ever giveaway! Congrats mbh! I hope that you enjoy the pens!
:( I hope you have another giveaway!
So sad that I missed this one.
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