In 1887 the Masaki Pencil company was born. They made some of the finest wooden pencils in the world. After WW II they became the Mitsubishi Pencil Company, Ltd. They company now makes some of the worlds finest mechanical pencils under the Uni brand. The most famous of these is undoubtedly the Kuru Toga line of auto rotating pencils. To learn more about these pencils see my reviews "uni Kuru Toga Family of Mechanicals pencils" and "The Kuru Toga Roulette". But The Mitsubishi Pencil Co., Ltd. makes other mechanical pencils as well. Among them is the Uni 552 series of pencils. These simple, sturdy entry level drafting pencils are often overlooked and neglected because of the overshadowing of the better known Uni Kuru Toga line of pencils.
This review will be about the M3-552, the 0.3 mm version. However the pencil also comes in 0.4 mm,0.5 mm, 0.7mm and 0.9 mm lead sizes. So let's start with every bodies favorite, the stats! The M3-552 measures 141 mm long from the end of the lead sleeve to the tip of the push button. It's round body and grip measure 8 mm and 8.5 mm respectively. The nicely knurled metal grip measures 27 mm. From the end of the lead sleeve to the beginning of the grip measures 17 mm, for those of you who like to grip there pencils very low. The balance point is 61 mm, measured to the tip of the pencil. Last, but not least, the pencil weighs 12.7 grams. How's that for stat lovers. Gee, you guys need a hobby...

... Sorry boys and girls, but the Old Geezer is feeling pretty old tonight. I wish it were more like the early days with Tommy Turquoise and Tussy Pink and that green guy from Zetta 1, Zedragon the Zephoid. (Sigh) I sure miss them. I wonder where they all got off to...
"We're right here, Geezer. Well at least I am. I think Tussy and Zedragon are around someplace..." TOMMY! Tommy Turquoise! Man, I'm so glad to see you! Where have you guys been, Tommy? "Right here, Geezer. We've all been right here in your imagination. All you've had to do was call upon us and we'd have been right here to help you out." Gosh. You sure are a good friend, Tommy. I'm, I'm sorry that I haven't called upon you guys lately. I guess that I sort of, eh, well,... "You thought that we were not as sophisticated and as elegant as other peoples blog assistants?" Well, yeah. I'm sorry for not believing in you guys so much any more. I... I don't know how to make it up to you guys! I... "Relax, Geezer. Why don't you sit back and let me take it from here?" Man, you are a life saver, Tommy. Take it away.
"Thanks, Geezer. The Mitsubishi Uni M3-552 is an entry level drafting pencil, but it has a feature or two that make it stand out among starter pencils. It's body is plastic which helps make it light weight, but the grip is made of a lightweight metal, probably aluminum. The grip screws onto the body just below the lead grade indicator. It is nicely knurled and has a very good gripping surface. The tip is probably non-magnetic stainless steel while the lead sleeve has a ting magnetic attraction. Both are chromed and highly polished. So are the end cap and the spring steel pocket clip. With the black body the pencil has a classic look."
"Now one of the nice features of the M3-552 is the lead grade indicator. It is made of a colored plastic, in this case, yellow, indicating the lead size*. The ring is made with a gap. like a split ring, where the window is. The exterior of the ring is round but the interior is octagonal with a series of de-tents near the edge of the lower end of the ring. A set of corresponding circular raised bumps are on the pencils' body. The lead sizes, from 2B to 4H, are imprinted in a silver color on a black self sticking band and placed on the pencils' body. When the ring is placed on the pencil the LGI turns a set distance set by the de-tent system exposing one of the lead grades. Unlike the LGI on some more expensive pencils the ring stays put once it is set, yet it is easily reset when desired. This is the very best LGI that I have encountered to date."
"The grip is easily removed without removing the tip of the pencil. Just why the pencil was made with this feature is unclear. However the design leaves the possibility of different grips wide open. I can see how easily a variety of different grips being available for the pencil, like a rubber grip, a silicone grip, a plastic grip, a fatter metal grip, etc. Just why this potential has not been exploited is beyond me. While loosening the grip will make turning the LGI it is not necessary to do so as the LGI will turn without loosening the grip albeit with a little more effort. The reason that the grip can be removed over the tip is because the tip is the same diameter as the pencils' body beneath the grip. Now that I think about it the reason that the grip is designed in this way is so that it can be loosened when setting the LGI! Now what is it they say, something about learning something new..."
"The M3-522 is so light that despite its' being a little nose heavy it hardly feels like it. The pencil feels light in the hand and writes almost effortlessly. The unusual knurling on the grip, broken by 10 horizontal lines, is not only aesthetically pleasing but is quite functional as well. It provides a nice gripping surface without being overly rough. The lead reservoir is large enough to hold enough lead for days and even weeks of writing. The bright chromed push button is adorned with the lead size impressed into the top of it. Pressing it is almost as effortlessly as writing with the pencil itself and just two presses of the bush button exposes enough lead to start writing. There is an eraser under the push button, but as geezer says, such erasers are useless and should only serve to hold a clean out rod, which the pencil does not come with. You'll need to supply your own."
"A good way to get 2 stand alone clean out rods, one for .4 mm and below as well as one for .05 mm and above and get a set of 5 erasers that will fit the M3-552 pencil (I knew you would be using the eraser that come with the pencil) you can buy, from, jetpens.com, a set for one of the Pilot pencils. Its' the MS-10 box set. It comes with 5 erasers clad in a plastic holder that just fits the reservoir tube of the M6-552 plus 2 wire clean out rods. The green box that they come in is a handy storage case as well. This way, for under 2 bucks US you can get both clean out rods and erasers. Every time that you have to buy easers you'll get a new set of clean out rods. Believe me, for 0.4 mm and 0.3 mm lead sizes these rods are a must."
So for a good entry level drafting pencil, or just a good all around writing instrument (especially in the larger diameter lead sizes) do not over look the 522 series of Drafting pencils from Mitsubishi/uni. These and many other fine drawing and writing instruments can be found at our friends at jetpens.com.