Well, hello Miss Tussy Pink! I heard that you had joined the staff here at Pens And Pencils! You are a most welcome addition to our staff!
"Hello, Geezer. Thank you for that adorable welcome!"
What's you got there, Tussy?
"Well, Geezer, this was supposed to be Junes giveaway but seeing as how June is almost over..."
Awe! That's right! I've been out of touch for so long that I'd almost forgotten all about it! So I guess we'll just have to make it June/July's giveaway, won't we?
"That looks like the only thing you can do, Geezer!"
Well, Tussy, you just stand there looking pretty and I'll tell the readers about the Ohto pencil that your holding!
"Oh, Geezer! You're so charming!"
OK, readers, up for grabs this time is a gently used out of production Ohto Promecha 1000/07, OP-1007, 0.7 mm drafting pencil. This pencil features an adjustable length 4 mm lead sleeve, a rubber grip, lead grade indicator and an all black finish. The pencil is in great condition except in one area. There is a gouge on the rubber grip as shown in the photo.

The two photos show the lead sleeve in both the extended and retracted positions.
But that's not all! The lead reservoir is filled with 12 pieces of grade B lead. I'm also including three 12 piece tubes of grade B lead as well! That's 48 pieces of lead!
So, how do you enter the giveaway? Simple, just leave a comment to this post before midnight July 9th, 2010. That simple. Only if you sign in as Anonymous, then please, in the body of your comment, leave some name or handle that you can be ID'd from so, if you win, I can identify you!
That's it. Check back after midnight July 9th (which is actually the 10th) to see if you've won!